2023 is here and if you’re looking for a new lampshade making adventure, look no further than our 5 ideas below. As much as our Lampshade Making Kits offer everything you need to make your own bespoke lampshade in a fabric to suit your style, there are plenty more creative additions and skills to learn. Here are our five favourite ways to make your lampshade stand out from the crowd!

Metallic Lampshade Liners
Make your next lampshade a metallic one! Easier than you think to achieve, try making a glowing, sumptuous and expensive looking shade inner using our Stick It Metallic Lampshade Making PVC. Available in four different metallic finishes, Brushed Metal, Metallic Emboss, Mirror Finish and Spanish Metallic, each one will lend a unique glow to your lampshade interior.

Use a diffuser
'Diffuser' might be a new word for your lampshade lexicon, but they’re a handy addition to your lampshade making materials, enabling you to change the look of your shade and the light it emits. Far from dull, our diffusers come in a range of shapes, sizes and patterns and if you're keen to add another aesthetic trick to your arsenal, click on the link below to find out how to make your own from your chosen fabric.

Lampshade Textile Tape
Primrose yellow, bottle green, blush pink and mid-grey are just a few of the 35 colours (yep – you read right!) that our Self Adhesive Textile Tapes are available in, meaning whatever colour you’re looking for we’re bound to have it!
Not only for use as a strong bond at the top and bottom of a parchment lampshade, our Lampshade Textile Tapes can also be used with our lampshade making kits too, to create decorative edgings, similar to bias binding or to create borders or patterns on your lampshade itself.

Wood & Parchment Laminate
Feeling adventurous? The outside of your lampshade doesn’t just have to be fabric, so why not play with our range of unique materials for you to play with to enhance the outside of your shade?
From light, medium and dark oak that is pre-laminated onto 300-micron clear PVC to our seven choices of pre-laminated parchment paper you can challenge your existing lampshade making skills and techniques. If you’re wondering how to hold your lampshade rings in place, check out our step-by-step instructions on using Self Adhesive Textiles tapes for this exact purpose!

Up-skill to a Soft Shade
If you’re looking forward to stretching your skills in the coming year, why not take what you already know about lampshade making and try making a soft lampshade?
Using sewing skills, rather than sticking skills is the one significant difference between making a traditional soft shade over a rigid hard lampshade, which you make from our range of Lampshade Making Kits. Our Soft Lampshade Series teaches you everything you need to know about learning to make traditional lampshades and we’ve even created a range of Soft Shade Making Starter Bundles, using our French drum, Bowed Empire and Scalloped frame to help get your lampshade making ambitions underway!

Join the Lampshade Making Community
Keen to learn more about lampshade making? In that case, we’ve plenty of resources to help you from our friendly and supportive Lampshade Makers Facebook Group to our YouTube Channel, where you can view step-by-step videos of all of our Lampshade Making Kits and Needcraft Craft Kits.

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