Meet one of our customers, Anna Pye who creates her own handmade lampshades, cushions, shopping bags, tea towels, aprons and more from her home in Cambridgeshire. Anna uses her own printed textiles, something she recently learnt on a short course. In the picture above Anna is using Needcraft’s lantern kits.
I have lived in Cambridgeshire for all but 7 years of my life, which were spent in Cheshire, Brussels and Bucks. I was brought up on a farm in south Cambs and most of my work now is inspired by my love of nature and the countryside. I have always been creative (batik, patchwork and quilting, corn dollies, soft furnishings for clients) but renovating an old house, family life and then teaching took up all my time and energy. Retirement has allowed be to start a new artistic journey which started with botanical water colours, which I love but I felt the need to be more creative. I am fairly new to printmaking, an introductory course at The Curwen Print Study Centre in July 2010 got me started. It’s such an exciting medium, with endless possibilities. Various open access days and further day courses followed. In 2011 I took both their Certificate of Printmaking course and then the Advanced course, both were one day a week for 10 weeks with an exhibition at the end in July. Much of my work is inspired by fields and the countryside, birds, patterns in nature and maps; all things I love.

Find more of Anna’s work on her website here and read her blog here with lots of beautiful crafty information and images to inspire!