‘Back to school’ is the traditional time of squeeky, unscuffed shoes, shiny new pencil cases and clean pages in school books - memories that always translate to a welcomed fresh start. It's also the time to learn new skills and revisit those projects you didn’t get to start, (or finish) while the sun was shining!
If you’re anything like us you’ll be looking forward to the darker evenings, when you can fill your time with creative projects, while snuggled on the sofa, or indulge in some dedicated ‘me time’ with your sewing machine or a pair of knitting needles.

First though, why not make your winter crafting a whole lot more organised by refreshing your craft space, with some of our super-functional Needcraft Kits, that are perfect for storing all your craft essentials and look pretty too!
We picked a witty, crafty themed fabric from the Stitch Collection from Dashwood featuring bobbins of thread and button, but our kits can be transformed with any woven fabric, meaning you can tie your storage effortlessly with colours of your home.
Here are some of our favourite ways, to get the most from our Needcraft kits and get your craft kit refresh off the ground.
Think outside the box
Surprisingly, our Waste basket making kit is perfect for storing macramé cords and yarns in and can handily be moved to the side of the sofa for instant access to your yarn. There's no need to even move your cord from the bin, as you pull to measure your lengths! Measuring 25cm wide and 30cm high, it could also be filled with wool ready for knitting or crochet.

Label, label, label
Adding a metal bookplate to our Sewing Bin kit means you can easily see what’s inside and keep track of your craft materials. We used bookplates upcycled from a couple of old IKEA boxes, but Martha Stewart also has a range of self adhesive book plates, that you secure using the double sided tape that you have left over from a lampshade making kit.

Pick a pattern
Our Sewing bin kit is perfect for storing sewing patterns, which can easily be split into styles or brands by making a few homemade dividers, from off cuts of Stick It PVC and strips of fabric. You could even take this one step further by adding labels of the pattern brands using a labeling machine!

Lots of pots
Not just for lanterns making, our Lantern making kits work beautifully as storage pots too! At 12cm tall and 10 cm wide they are ideal for taller items too such as storing scissors and jewellery tools. Super spacious they’re great for keeping smaller items in, such as our pretty trims, macrame cord off cuts and beads.

Divide and conquer
If you dabble in lots of different crafts (don't we all?) or have lots of small craft items that are not enough to fill a whole sewing bin, why not divide a Needcraft Sewing Bin kit into two?

Simple to do, follow the steps below:
Cut two piece of spare PVC 17 x 20 cm. Take piece of fabric measuring around 40 x 22cm. Peel the paper backing from the PVC and position 1st piece onto the fabric, making sure your fabric pattern is vertical.
Position the second piece of PVC rough 5mm below the first, making sure the sides are aligned.
Cut around the two pieces of PVC as shown.
Add tape to the back of one side, then position the gap over the bar in the centre of the Sewing Bin kit to check the fit. Remove the tape backing and push together gently to form the divider.

If you don’t have any spare Stick It PVC you could easily recreate the divider with plain card and coloured tape.

If we've inspired you to get organised we’re giving away a 'Craft Room Organisation Kit', that includes a Needcraft Sewing Bin kit, Waste basket making kit and 4 pack lantern making kit.
To enter simply click on the LOG IN button, here on the blog, and become a member to automatically enrol in our giveaway! Members will also receive exclusive offers and news notifications.
Winner will be announced on Monday 28th of September.
Good luck!

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