If you’ve never had a virtual wander around our website, you’re missing a trick and plenty of lampshade making products you might not have even considered yet.
Among the Lampshade Making Kits are a couple of products we feel quite nostalgic about, for their nod to the 70’s and their long thin shapes. Which kits are we talking about? The Floor Lamp Kit and Table Lamp Kit of course!

Taking pride of place in every home circa 1975, floor lamps were all the rage and well suited the elongated patterns of the time. In the heyday of bright patterned fabrics, such as linen and barkcloth, their tall elegant shape made a statement among the dark teak and leather in lounges of the time. Fast forward to today and these shapes still fit into our everyday homes - perfect for being the focal point of the room or simply lighting up a dim corner.
Floor Lamp Kits
Both the Floor Lamp Kit and Table Lamp Kit are as easy to make up as our usual Lampshade Making Kits and come complete with a base frame with inbuilt legs to stand up the lamp and a top ring measuring 20 cm in diameter. The overall height of the floor lamp is 74 cm and 38 cm for the table lamp. Both kits can be completed with a choice of our three electrical assemblies, consisting of bulbholder, cable, switch and a choice of UK and European plug.

The Floor Lamp Kit in particular is great for taking on a large pattern or a larger pattern repeat. For the former positioning the pattern length is key, to show off the length of the floor lamp, as shown in the shades below made by the very talented Light Fandango. (@light_fandango on Instagram)

This fun floor lamp by Owl and Cat interiors (@interiorsbyowlandcat on Instagram) shows perfectly how to make the most of a hero fabric print, with Frida Kahlo taking pride of place in the centre of the shade. We love the balance of pattern on the upper and lower sections of the lamp.

Our tip would be to definitely consider the scale of you pattern print before you start, as you can imagine a small ditsy print will easily be lost on a floor lamps. The opposite applies to the Table Lamp Kit - a print that is too large will be lost, so stick to a scale that will work with the lamp’s height of 38 cm.
Table Lamp Kits
This pair of table lamps from Letasi design (@letasi_designstudio on Instagram), uses batik to fabric to create a contemporary feel and the scale of the pattern fits perfectly within the height of the shade. Scroll down to read about our Wooden Ball feet, that make a great addition to the kit and are used on Letasi design's lamps with great effect.

Best of all these kits look beautiful when lit and the soft glow of a low wattage bulb shining through an intricate patterned fabric, will warm up any room. This Funky Fabric table lamp from @LincsLamps is the perfect example and looks as pretty lit, as it does unlit.

Print your own digital design
If you can't find the exact fabric to make up the Floor Lamp Kit or Table Lamp Kit fabric how about creating your own design? Using your artwork or illustrations we can create a textile print for either kit, printed onto a light textile which you can handily order at the same time.
Simply create your artwork to 388mm high x 512mm wide, which includes the allowance for the rolled edge and seam with a 10mm bleed all round the panel. To help you create your design you can download a template from our website below:
Digital deign template - Floor Lamp Kit
Digital deign template - Table Lamp Kit
As an alternative you can pick a colour from our pantone chart and we will print your colour fabric of choice.

Wooden Ball Feet
To finish off your floor lamp or table lamps kit, how about adding wooden balls, to soften the feet? Available in lots of sizes, these are great 'au naturel' or painted. Try giving them a lick of our Ronseal Chalky Furniture Paint paint or spray them metallic. We think they'd look fantastic in a gold or silver.

Making up your kit
As always, we love to give you a helping hand using our products so take a look at our Dannells Demonstrator Sam, in our You Tube video below, showing you how to make up both kits.
#floorlamps #tablelamps #retrolamps #needcraftkits #woodenballs #patternedfabric #heroprints #seventiesdecor #talllamps #DIYkits #youtubevideos #DIYcraftkits #batik #boldpatterns #UKlightfitting #EUlightfittings #interiordesign #lampshademaking #lampshademakingkits #lampshademakingsupplies @lincslamps @light_fandango @interiorsbyowlandcat @letasi_designstudio