Wow! What an epic lampshade journey this has been…
Our #lampshadebusinessinabox competition has attracted many talented lampshade designers.
We’ve been humbled by their stories and the lovely insight into their journeys setting up and running a lampshade business. All recorded here on our blog. The sheer lampshade talent and creativity that’s out there is mind-blowing!
Five lucky runners-up have already won Needcraft lampshade manufacturers’ packs and later today we will announce our lucky winner of £250 to spend on Needcraft lampshade making supplies.
A big THANK YOU! to everyone who entered and believe me It’s been very hard choosing the winners from so many innovative and diverse lampshade makers. We will try our best to get all entries on the blog at some point in the future as you all deserve to be seen! and in the mean time… look out for our winner later today!
(A day later than planned due to sheer lampshade mania!)