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Would you make your first handmade lampshade a whopper like this?

Just look at this huge lampshade!

Made by a professional, right? NO, Wrong!

Made as a first attempt by this brave couple from Ayrshire.

Why start so big I hear you ask?

Stewart and Beverley were having so much trouble finding a lampshade that would sit over their chandelier and were about to give up hope when they spotted our lampshade kits and thought they’d give lampshade making a try. Another month or so of fabric hunting passed until they found the perfect piece and set to work.

We chose a 100% cotton linen effect. We were a little daunted at first with the 70cm size (of the lampshade) but after watching the video we were much more confident.
We watched the excellent YouTube video and the two of us set about following the instructions. Glad to say it worked out well.

Didn’t they do well!

Do you have any impressive first makes? If so we’d love to hear about them in the reply box below or tag us on social media with #Needcraft.

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